Red Golden Pheasant
Red Goldens are a favorite of backyard aviculturists because they are hardy and quite easy to raise - not to mention that the males are absolutely stunning in appearance. The bright, beautiful plumage of the male Red Golden pheasant is among the most colorful and attractive of all the world’s birds. They are bred and raised all over the world.
Silver Pheasant
Description: A large pheasant, the male is mostly a brilliant white with black lines. His belly is black and he has a large, bare, red-skinned area around the eye. His legs are also red, which separates the Silver Pheasant from the Kalij Pheasant.
Grey Peacock Pheasant
Grey peacock pheasants are one of four subspecies of small, ground-dwelling birds that are native to southeast Asia. Also known as the chinquis, this little bird has plumage in various shades of light to dark mottled grey. Males have large, metallic blue-green to purple markings called ocelli on the wings, tail, and mantle.
Impeyan Pheasant
Males have a tall, beautiful crest, reminiscent of the peacock. Males are also adorned with beautiful feathering, that is almost metallic-looking, and includes blue, green, red, copper, and white. Both males and females have a patch of turquoise-blue, bare skin around the eyes.
Blue Eared Pheasant
Crossoptilon auritum or Blue Eared Pheasant is another wonderful pheasant species from the avian rich forests of China. Blue Eared Pheasants are large and chunky birds. They are mostly a rich blue-gray color, but with bright red facial patches and distinguishing white tufts (or ear coverts) along the sides of the head.
Yellow Golden Pheasant
Description: The Yellow Golden Pheasant is a color mutation of the Red Golden Pheasant, and has yellow where the Red Golden has red. It has a pale brown tail with darker tan spots, and brown, rather than blue on its wings.
Lady Amherst Pheasant
Description: Males have silver heads with black barring; a cape or ruff of feathers that surround the head and neck during courting; red, blue, white and and yellow body feathers; and a showy, long, gray tail with slightly longer orange feathers along the edges.
Swinhoe's Pheasant
Swinhoe's Pheasants are large, brilliantly colored birds. Males have bright red facial skin, wattles, and legs. Their feathers, from the neck and over the chest and sides, are mostly shades of midnight blue with lacing patterns of royal and teal blue colors. They also have a white crest and a white patch on their upper back.
Peach Golden Pheasant
Peach Golden Pheasants are a rare and special color mutation of the original, wild Red Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus). Peach Golden Pheasants are not hybrids or crosses.
Brown Eared Pheasant
Brown Eared Pheasants are large, and have red, exposed facial skin around the eyes. They have a crown of velvety, black feathers, and their “ears” are white feathers that begin below the chin and extend over the head.
Chineses Ringneck Pheasant
Males are predominantly brown and golden in color, with some green, purple, white markings in some individuals. The crown of the head is green, there is an exposed ring of red skin around the eye, the wattle is distinctively red, and the back of the neck is blue.
Reeves Pheasant
Description: The male Reeves's Pheasant is quite recognizable, despite the fact that there is a great deal of variation in the feather patterning. A male Reeves's Pheasant holds the current Guinness Book World Record for having the longest tail - some reach over six feet in length.
Temminck's Tragopan Pheasant
Description: The male Temminck's Tragopan is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. His coloring is dominated by orange and crimson. He has exposed, blue facial skin that is surrounded by a "mask" of black feathers. He also has ocelli, or "eyes" similar to those on a peacock on his back and breast. His tail and beak are both short, and his legs are pink.
Elliot's Pheasant
Elliot's Pheasants are a beautiful and rare breed of ornamental pheasant. They are easy to tame and can be very friendly. Elliot's Pheasants are named after a famous orinthologist, Daniel Elliot, who died in 1915, and was one of the founders of the American Orinthologists Union.
Great Argus Pheasant
Malay Great Argus Pheasants or Argusianus argus are one of the most remarkable species of birds in the world. Among pheasants, the male Great Argus is not the most colorful, but structurally, and especially when he is displaying during breeding season, he is spectacular.