Favorite Pheasant
"This is a Golden Pheasant. This was the first pheasant I got when I started raising pheasants, and to this day is still my favorite."
Favorite Quail
This is a Mearns Quail. This is my favorite quail. Although I have never had the privilege of raising any, they are on my short list of birds to add to my collection in 2020.
Favorite Duck
This is a Mandarin Duck. They are incredibly beautiful birds and one of my favorite ducks. Hope to have a large aviary someday with a pond inside to raise these beauties.
Since 1996
Page Message
We understand that the term Game Birds is a very loosely and subjective classification of birds. We also are aware that the word "Game" is synonymous with hunting.
This page is not a hunting page, although we understand that there are many of our followers and viewers that do participate in hunting. This is their choice to do so, so we hope that all our viewers can respect everyone that may be part of this page.
With that said, this page is dedicated to the raising and admiring of some amazing birds in this world. The goal of the creator and author is that through this page and the other forms of media, more people will find value in these birds and the raising of them. The hope and goal is to increase the amount of hobby aviculturists around the world.

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